Life insurance

Peace of Mind

We spend all of our lives building our wealth and assets so that we can support our families and have the things we love and enjoy. Whilst building wealth is very important, it is equally important to protect what we have built up over time from uncertain events which we have no control over.

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • How would my loved ones cope if I died unexpectedly?
  • How would I cope if I were unable to work for a prolonged period of time?
  • What types of life insurance are available?
  • Whats the best way to structure the ownership of my life insurance?
  • Can I have life insurance in my super?
  • What features will I need in a life insurance policy?
  • How much will it cost?

How we can help

We can:

  • Review your circumstances and discuss what you would like to see happen in the event you died unexpectedly OR were unable to work for a prolonged period of time.
  • Discuss your options and the costs involved.
  • Make recommendations based on your goals and circumstances.
  • Handle the claims process in the event you ever need to claim on your policy.

What to do next

If you want peace of mind contact us today.